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RDA in the Baltics Webinar
The RDA in the Baltics webinar introduces Research Data Alliance to research data professionals and researchers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The webinar outlines what RDA is, what are the benefits of engaging with RDA and how to get involved with RDA. We will also hear from data professionals from the local community about their engagement with RDA.
This webinar is part of RDA Europe’s work to offer a platform to European RDA regions to showcase their innovations, solutions and challenges on a European and global scale.
Preliminary Programme
Introduction to Research Data Alliance (RDA) and RDA Europe
1.Why should researchers and data professionals engage with RDA and how to get involved?
2.Spotlight on RDA interest and working groups (incl. Professionalising Data Stewardship IG, FAIR for Machine Learning IG and 3.Research Data Policy IG)
4.Profiles of data professionals and their engagement with RDA
1.Vaidas Morkevičius (Kaunas University of Technology)
2.Ingmars Kreišmanis (Riga Stradins University)
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