Privacy Policy
Augstākās izglītības un zinātnes informācijas tehnoloģijas koplietošanas pakalpojumu centrs, biedrība (VPC) personal data processing announcement. (General Data Protection Regulation)
VPC Registration No.: 40008314266, legal address: Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica Bulvāris 14 Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia. Contact us via email
While processing personal data, VPC will abide by existing national legislation, EU regulation (e.g. General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) and generally accepted confidentiality norms. VPC will not share personal data with third parties (unless stipulated by law or have obtained specific consent) and will put maximum effort in securing data storage.
In general, upon a person’s request VPC will:
- Provide information VPC has about the person;
- Stop contacting the person with information, the person has refused to accept. This does not include information exchange related to the fulfilment of existing agreements and important information regarding obtained degrees and certificates and completed courses;
- Update or Delete the person’s personal information unless the information storage is stipulated by law and/or related to the courses and study programs completed at VPC and its partner institutions. VPC will also store the minimum information necessary to confirm the identity of the person eligible to obtain information about a certificate, degree and completed course.
VPC uses personal data in the following ways:
a) Administrative use to deliver services and follow through on performing contracts, including issuing invoices.
For the aforementioned purpose, at least the following data would be necessary and stored: Person’s name, surname (including changes), personal I.D. number, address, bank account number, payments made, telephone and email address.
b) Information distribution about services and offers.
For the aforementioned purpose, some or all of the following data is necessary and stored: Person’s name, surname, address, telephone and email address.
c) Quality improvements and program development of VPC services.
For the aforementioned purpose, some or all of the following data could be stored and processed: Person’s name, surname, address, telephone and email address, and career progression.
e) Recruitment of employees
For the aforementioned purpose, at least the following data could be necessary and stored: person’s name, surname, address, telephone and email address, previous education and skills
To change your preferences regarding information processing at VPC please contact VPC by sending an email to The withdrawal of consent, however, does not affect the processing of data performed during your period of consent.