eduroam in Latvia
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eduroam in Latvia

More than 1900 Wi-Fi access points are installed by 10 institutions to provide eduroam in 81 locations.

Access points

What are the benefits of eduroam to institutions?

The cost of implementing and maintaining eduroam is modest.

The service results in significant cost savings through reduced IT department workload:

  • eduroam provides a single solution that accommodates all the mobile connectivity requirements of an institution – supporting local users connecting to the local network, visitors connecting to the local network and local users connecting to other participating networks.
  • eduroam removes the need to supply temporary accounts to visiting users, so reducing the administrative and support burden imposed by the ever-growing movement of students and researchers between institutions and countries.
  • Because visiting students, staff and researchers use their eduroam ‘home’ credentials to access Wi-Fi services on campus, they have a quick, easy and secure way to get online without campus IT support. The secure login system means that passwords are kept private at all times and visiting staff can be allocated to a separate VLAN to keep traffic isolated. However, in eduroam a misbehaving user can always be identified with the help of their home institution.

How to become member?

To connect your institution to eduroam you need to apply to Latvian academic identity federation (LAIFE). All connected institutions should comply with LAIFE federation policy.  More about procedure you can read here 

Useful technical implementation examples

Find out more about eduroam

eduroam and GÉANT

eduroam was pioneered by the GÉANT research and education networking community in Europe. The GÉANT (GN4-3) Project works with relevant industry and standardisation groups to find and share solutions related to eduroam technology and security. The registered trademark for eduroam® in Europe is held by the GÉANT organisation, which also helps to promote the deployment of the service.

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The Future is Digital

We support the development and international competitiveness of higher education and scientific institutions of Latvia by integrating, developing and providing high-quality shared IT services.